how to take minutes at board meetings

When it comes to taking minutes of board meetings, there are many factors that require attentiveness. This job requires a person who can plan ahead, pay attention and write an extensive summary.

Minutes of meetings are crucial documents that are used to record decisions made by the board. Therefore, they must be accurate and reflect all discussions which took place during the meeting. You should review the agenda prior to the meeting so you know the details to include. This will help to prevent important details from slipping through the cracks during the meeting. It is also beneficial to have a third party read the minutes. This ensures that the person taking the minutes isn’t influenced and has a clear opinion of the contents of the minutes.

In addition to the primary aspects of the meeting it’s crucial to include all the actions taken at the meeting as well as who is responsible for each action item. This will allow the board members to refer to minutes of meetings in the future.

Finally, a note regarding the presence of a majority be included. A quorum refers to the presence of two-thirds or more of the board.

It is also important to take note of any documents that were passed around during the meeting, or any presentations that took place. In the minutes it’s a good idea to include the dates and times of the meeting.

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