A remote board meeting is a meeting conducted via video conference call where the board members don’t physically meet in the same room. It was an increasingly popular method of conducting business during coronavirus outbreak and will remain in use post-pandemic.

The key to a successful and efficient remote board is having the right tools. Board members should be able to access all materials in advance of the meeting. This will help you save time and will avoid confusion during the meeting. It’s also useful to record the meeting, especially when there is lots of discussion or if it’s a long meeting.

Encourage board members to pay attention to their surroundings while they are logging into the meeting. Distractions such as a barking dog, noisy street noises or even the slight background noise of a television in another room can distract and make it hard to concentrate during the meeting. Board members should prefer to be able to sign into an office by using a closed, quiet door.

It is important to make a note of each board member’s attendance at the beginning of the meeting. This will not only ensure that everyone is present, but it also sets the tone for the meeting and demonstrates that it’s a significant issue. It’s also a good idea to stop after each agenda item to solicit feedback. This encourages participation and engagement, even from members who live far away. The board can make decisions in response to the feedback received after the meeting, if it https://www.boardmeetingweb.net/how-does-the-diligent-board-manager-tool-compare-with-other-tools so wishes.

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